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Hoarding Cleanup Services in Denver, CO

Hoarding Cleanup Services in Denver, CO

Whether you’re in a hoarding situation or a loved one of yours is, T.A.C.T. Denver is here and ready to help you. Years of clutter accumulation can turn into an overwhelming, or even a dangerous, situation. We understand that hoarding is often accompanied by feelings of embarrassment or shame, but there is no reason to feel that way. We are trained, compassionate professionals who have worked with many hoarding situations in Denver, Colorado and the surrounding areas.  

T.A.C.T. Denver will handle your situation with compassion, discretion, and efficiency in a professional manner. We understand that many items are personal and full of memories and that it won’t be easy to let it go. Rest assured that when we help you clear the clutter, you’re in the best hands and you’ve made the right call. 

What Is Hoarding Disorder?

Hoarding is the excessive accumulation of items, valuable or not valuable, and a persistent difficulty on the part of the person with the disorder to discard or part with their possessions because of a perceived need to save them.

Hoarding disorder can cause stress, embarrassment, financial hardships, legal troubles, and health risks to both the person with the disorder and also to those who may try to help them.

If you think you may be dealing with a hoarding situation, it is extremely important to call in the professionals at T.A.C.T. Denver in Denver, Colorado. There are serious risks involved in cleaning up these types of situations.

Hoarding can be categorized into levels to evaluate the extent of the problem. One widely recognized classification system uses a five-tier scale, which includes the following stages:

Level 1 - Minimal Hoarding

At this stage, the home remains mostly organized, and the individual experiences no significant disruptions in their daily life. The space is generally clean and safe, with only minor signs of clutter beginning to appear. Sanitation and safety concerns are not present, and hoarding tendencies may not be immediately noticeable.

minimal hoarding

Level 2 - Mild Hoarding

At Level 2, the area shows a noticeable increase in clutter and disarray. Certain parts of the home may become harder to access due to accumulation of items or trash, though living conditions are still functional overall. Housekeeping issues, such as lingering odors, dusty surfaces, or unclean areas, may start to emerge. The presence of multiple pets, possibly not well-maintained, can contribute to minor safety hazards.

mild hoarding

Level 3 - Moderate Hoarding

At this stage, the accumulation of clutter and trash becomes more problematic and is likely blocking off several rooms or areas. Basic household appliances, such as the refrigerator or stove, cannot be used due to inaccessibility. Structural damage might be visible, along with unpleasant odors, dirty or overflowing cat litter boxes, pet feces and urine that hasn’t been cleaned up, pest or rodent infestations, or mold growth. Moving through the home becomes challenging, and sanitation concerns become more pronounced.

moderate hoarding

Level 4 - Severe Hoarding

Severe hoarding involves significant levels of clutter, rendering most areas of the house inaccessible. Hazardous materials such as garbage, decaying food, human and/or animal waste, or other biohazards may be present. Basic utilities, such as water or electricity, might be disconnected, appliances are broken or do not work, and the property shows substantial structural damage. Health and safety risks are critical, and professional intervention is necessary.

tact severe hoarding

Level 5 - Extreme Hoarding

This is the most critical stage of hoarding, where the living environment becomes completely uninhabitable. Clutter dominates every area, and conditions may include biohazards, human waste, or decomposing animals. Structural integrity is often severely compromised, and there is a high risk of fire, injury, or disease. Immediate, expert intervention is required to restore the space and address the underlying behaviors.

extreme hoarding

These levels provide a general framework for understanding hoarding, but each case is unique. A thorough evaluation and intervention by trained professionals like T.A.C.T. Denver are crucial to handling hoarding situations safely and effectively, as well as with compassion, empathy and understanding.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a hoarding situation, it’s essential to reach out to trained professionals like T.A.C.T. Denver for support.
In cases where the hoarding discovery follows an unattended death, T.A.C.T. Denver is fully equipped to handle the cleanup and eliminate any lingering odors with care and precision.

Get in Touch:
For immediate assistance with hoarding situations, contact (720) 802-0535

Here are the steps of the whole process

  1. Call T.A.C.T or fill the form to contact us

  2. We arrive at your home quickly

  3. We create a plan of action

  4. We get done all of the work

  5. Your life goes back to normal


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